Premio di Ricerca per Tesi di Laurea
In line with the United Nations SDGs, the Meneghetti Award 2024 was launched for Master’s degree thesis writers who have creatively, functionally, sustainably and inclusively dealt with the important human-society relationship in their work.
In awarding the prizes, the coherence of the scientific work with sustainable development issues was also assessed, and the results provided us with a wealth of topics from which to draw inspiration for future initiatives.
Particularly evident in all the thesis papers is the inescapable call for each individual to take responsibility for his or her own actions within social dynamics.
Human being is described as responsible for his destiny, a participant in public life, a party to the actions necessary to change the state of things, a protagonist in the face of inequalities and an inspirer of new creative and futuristic solutions.
The award ceremony took place at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin on 27 September 2024, during the opening ceremony of the exhibition ‘Lizori Signs and Dialogues’.
In attendance were Enrico Pupi, Diana Quadri and Christian Scheider, who were able to present their work and receive congratulations from the audience and a Meneghetti Award plaque.
See the 10 prize-winning theses and the names of the winners
urin, 24 September – 29 October 2024
The exhibition “Lizori. Signs and Dialogues” lands at the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti in Turin, which will host it from 24 September to 29 October 2024. The exhibition of more than 100 representations, with tables, physical and digital models, videos and scientific books, offers a multidisciplinary narrative on the value of historic villages between architecture, landscape and art.
‘LIZORI. Signs and Dialogues’ stems from a research path supported by the Antonio Meneghetti Foundation for Scientific and Humanistic Research and conceived by Fabio Bianconi and Marco Filippucci, professors at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Perugia. The research path proposes a reflection through drawing on the theme of sustainable development of abandoned villages, selected as ‘best practices’ by the United Nations and published on their SDG Action Platform.
The exhibition obtained the patronage of the Piedmont Region, the Umbria Region, the Province of Perugia, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Perugia, and various professional bodies, including the Order of Architects of Turin and Perugia, the Order of Engineers of Perugia, LABLANDSCAPE (International Laboratory for the Landscape Research), AICA Italia (International Association of Art Critics Official Italian Section) and the Italian Union for Drawing.
20 – 21 September 2024 New York, United Nations Headquarters
On September 20th and 21st, 2024, la Fondazione di Ricerca Scientifica e Umanistica Antonio Meneghetti had the opportunity to participate as an NGO in the
United Nations’ Summit of the Future Action Days in New York.
The Summit of the Future is a new initiative of the United Nations and member states that focuses on shaping policies for a better future, putting youth at the center of change. The event addresses topics such as education, equality, and security, promoting the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals.
During the event, our representatives Michele Gambino and Renars Raubiskis presented the project “
Now I Know How,” an initiative officially funded by the European Commission, which in 2021 brought students from across Europe to Italy to learn about entrepreneurship and Made in Italy.
Throughout the summit, they connected with global leaders, NGOs representatives, and youth ambassadors, and took part in side events focused on technological innovation, responsible leadership, and sustainability.
It was an extraordinary experience that allowed us to actively contribute to the global dialogue on building a more fair and sustainable future.
17 July 2024 New York, United Nations Headquarters
Oral Statement delivered by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation during the High Level Political Forum 2024 under the auspices of the United Nations ECOSOC. The theme for 2024 was ‘Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions’.
Key Point:
Lizori as Educationa Module to be exported
Enhancing Cultural Heritage
Higher Education and Rural Areas
Borgo San Benedetto, Campello sul Clitunno
On 10 May 2024, the exhibition ‘LIZORI. Signs and Dialogues’ was inaugurated at Palazzo Ducale Trinci, Lizori, Castello di Pissignano Alto. The exhibition presents the signs and dialogues that make up a single story of 120 works, which is proposed as a path to discover the beauty of Lizori. Internationally renowned researchers, scholars and artists have been invited to translate the inspiration and beauty of Lizori into signs. The exhibition will be open until September, every Sunday from 10.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30. info:
Last week, on September 16
th 2023, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, ‘The Rebirth of Lizori’ and the ‘Hortus Lizori’ projects were presented at the event
“International Best Practices for Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Evolution through Innovations in Higher Education, Science and Gender Equality” organized by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation – Switzerland, as part of the SDGs Action weekend programme.
The event was held at the United Nations Delegates Dining Room inside the UN Building and focused on identifying higher educational solutions to encourage sustainable development of rural areas as a response to SDGs 4,5,10,11,16,17.
Lizori project was presented and delivered concrete action.
What is the SDG Action Weekend? To maximize the SDG Summit’s impact, the Secretary General has convened an SDG Action Weekend, which generated opportunities for stakeholders, UN entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.
In partnership with: Permanent Mission of Latvia to the United Nations, AICESIS, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Perugia, Berkeley University of California, UN International Telecommunication Union (UN ITU), Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy Sciences, Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Peace Innovative Initiative, University for Peace, Peace Boat US, Hunt Hill Farm, Beijing Association for Mental Health, ESCP Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Society, Build it Up!
Lizori in the world! The ‘Hortus Lizori’ project selected and published on the United Nations website on the SDG Action Platform for Sustainable Development! Project supported by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation and conceived by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Perugia University, Italy.
Published by Maggioli Editore, in more than 350 pages the volume reports the results of the educational and experimental course proposed within the workshop held at Borgo “Lizori” in Campello sul Clitunno (PG). Aimed at doctoral students and supported by a group of teachers and designers, the activity was interested in the reading and interpretation of the historic village of Lizori.
Here you can find the preview
Here is the video of the news that reported on the Workshop “Lizori. Signs and Dialogues” that took place July 5-7, 2023
Una sessione di confronto e dialogo con i maggiori esperti nazionali e internazionali sulla rappresentazione del paesaggio e la rigenerazione dei borghi
Si è concluso venerdì 7 luglio, nel Castello di Pissignano Alto – Borgo Lizori a Campello sul Clitunno (PG), il workshop “Lizori. Segni e dialoghi”, una sessione di incontro e lavoro tra artisti, professori e architetti di fama internazionale, durata tre giorni e organizzata dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia, con il patrocinio del Comune di Campello sul Clitunno e la collaborazione della Fondazione Antonio Meneghetti per la ricerca scientifica e umanistica. A concludere il workshop è stato una conferenza aperta da Fabio Bianconi e Marco Filippucci, responsabili del progetto da cui è nato il workshop, e da docenti del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia, che hanno voluto sottolineare come la riqualificazione dei borghi rurali e la valorizzazione del paesaggio sono il risultato della comprensione della storia del luogo. “Abbiamo voluto ospitare a Lizori architetti e artisti”, ha detto Fabio Bianconi, “per permettere ai ricercatori di dialogare con il paesaggio circostante. Crediamo che disegnare, rappresentare significhi conoscere e per questo abbiamo messo il “segno” al centro di questo percorso di lavoro e conoscenza, per poter comprendere questo luogo attraverso lo sguardo e la visione di architetti e artisti che qui a Lizori sono “cercatori” di senso, pronti a coglierne l’essenza, nel suo rapporto tra architettura e natura, con le sue complessità e contraddizioni.” Il mondo accademico si sta occupando dei piccoli borghi rurali e del loro recupero, come ha sostenuto al convegno il Presidente dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Perugia, anche per poter dare un input alla politica affinché si vada verso una maggiore valorizzazione di queste aree, perché il futuro è nella riqualificazione dei borghi rurali. A spiegare le ragioni della collaborazione tra l’Università di Perugia e la Fondazione di ricerca scientifica e umanistica Antonio Meneghetti è stata Pamela Bernabei, presidente della Fondazione. “La Fondazione nel 2019 ha acquisito lo Status Consultivo Speciale presso il Consiglio Economico e Sociale delle Nazioni Unite per le sue attività di interesse pubblico e sociale. Il lavoro della Fondazione nel promuovere e sostenere le attività intellettuali e umanistiche, nell’incoraggiare i contatti tra scienziati ed esperti di diverse nazionalità e nel facilitare lo scambio internazionale di informazioni e la diffusione delle conoscenze scientifiche è in linea con gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) delle Nazioni Unite. In particolare, in risposta agli SDGs 4, 11 e 17, la Fondazione promuove e sostiene iniziative e progetti volti a individuare soluzioni di alta formazione per favorire l’evoluzione, lo sviluppo sostenibile e la valorizzazione delle aree e dei borghi rurali, come il Progetto Lizori, che prevede l’organizzazione di eventi, workshop e sessioni estive in cui il borgo medievale diventa una grande aula/laboratorio”. Dopo i saluti dei presidenti degli ordini professionali degli ingegneri e degli architetti di Perugia, si è svolto un importante momento di confronto con gli artisti e gli architetti che hanno partecipato al workshop, i quali hanno condiviso le loro osservazioni e esperienze sul borgo di Lizori e hanno presentato gli studi di quelle che saranno le loro opere. Ad ogni partecipante, infatti, è stato chiesto di creare una rappresentazione della propria esperienza a Borgo Lizori. Le opere scaturite dal workshop saranno protagoniste di una mostra che viaggerà in diverse città d’Italia, prima di essere allestita a Palazzo Trinci di Pissignano Alto – Borgo Lizori.