SIDE EVENT AT THE 2023 ECOSOC YOUTH FORUM organized by the Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation Antonio Meneghetti Switzerland

25th of April 2023

Motivated by the theme of the 2023 HLPF on “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels” the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanist Research Foundation F.A.M.(a Swiss no-profit organization in Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council of United Nations) organized a virtual Side Event during the 2023 Annual Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum, on 25 April 2023 to promote capacity-building initiatives connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievements, among young people. The side event “Three Erasmus+ projects: ‘Now I know how!’, ‘I am able2DO’ and ‘EQUALS-EU: Gender Equality for Youth leadership globally’ to foster entrepreneurship competences and creativity in young people starting from scratch” was organized around the need to ensure that younger generations are aware of the benefits of the implementation of SDG’s through cooperation, and to sustain and accelerate action for delivering them.

To achieve this, the courses focused on how to foster young people’s knowledge and ability to enter the job market as protagonists to help the contest where they live, concentrating mainly on the entrepreneurial sphere (and Made in Italy case study), in order to ensure a new economic and entrepreneurial renewal generation, particularly attentive to social issues, to the ethical aspect of work, sustainability, inclusiveness and gender equality.

The courses involved participants from 20 different countries. This side event was organized in partnership with: Foilservice ltd, Marudo (Italy) Black Sea Center of Excellence (BSCE), Dobrich (Bulgaria) Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga (Latvia) Baltic Ontopsychology Association (BOA) (Latvia)

Click to access summary and report of the side event

Click to access recording of the side event

Exhibit “Hortus Lizori”

Exhibit “Hortus Lizori”

Landscape and regeneration of ancient village   On 27 October 2022, inaugurated in Palace Trinci in borgo Lizori (Pissignano Alto, Campello sul Clitunno (PG), in Umbria, the exhibition “Hortus Lizori” and the Franco Zagari exhibition “The Little Music of the Landscape” open to the public every Sunday, until March 2023. The installation of the exhibition “Hortus Lizori” presents about thirty tables that take up the design challenge of the landscape project of Lizori village that already presents itself with its great qualities. The young designers, with different approaches, working in several parts of the village, have tried to transfigure the settlements by analyzing the qualities and criticalities, the potential and the necessary conservation actions. The exhibition “The Little Music of the Landscape”of Franco Zagari – one of the most famous landscape architects in the world –  is an installation with five videos that tell the many design adventures faced in over fifty years of activity.   Limk to external sources   Press releases Press relaese – Paesaggio e rigenerazione dei borghi


The HORTUS LIZORI workshop for European doctorate schools (icar17/15) of design and restoration of small ancient villages took place from 6 to 9 July 2022 with a specific focus on Borgo Lizori (Borgo San Benedetto, Campello sul Clitunno).

The workshop focused on landscape representation for the valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage of the hamlet of Lizori. It involved 23 PhD students in the disciplines of project and landscape representation from various Italian and European universities. Led by university professors and designers, the exchange focused on the design of open spaces within the Borgo Lizori. With theoretical lectures and operational support in design, the PhD students divided into groups worked on designing and enhancing various areas of Borgo Lizori.

The Hortus Lizori project is the winner of the Meneghetti Award, through which the workshop was financed, and through which the next phases of the project will be funded: an editorial publication and a specific project to keep, in Borgo Lizori, a permanent memory of the study that the doctoral students accomplished on site, according to the SDG’s “4 Quality Education”, “15 Life on Land”, “16 Peace, Justice and strong Institution” and “17 Partnerships for the goals”.

Sponsored by: UniPG, Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation Antonio Meneghetti, Lablandscape, Ordine Architetti Perugia, Ordine of Engineers Perugia, UID Italian Union for Design, Province of Perugia, Municipality of Campello sul Clitunno.