Exhibition of the sculpture created by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation – CH.
A tribute for Professor Meneghetti’s 81st birthday.
The day starts with a convention organized by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Perugia, titled “The Next Landscape: Invention or Narration”, in collaboration with the Foundation and the City of Campello sul Clitunno. Open-air lectures followed, as well as the inauguration of the Foundation’s new hall in Lizori, a spacious hall built through ancient techniques, but reinterpreting the spaces for a modern usage, such as conferences, seminars and conventions.
At 14.00 started the projection of Professor Meneghetti’s conferences, that lasted four days.Inauguration of the new you tube channel dedicated to the lectures:
Antonio Meneghetti Swiss Foundation – Lectures