Summit of the Future

Summit of the Future

20 – 21 September 2024 New York, United Nations Headquarters On September 20th and 21st, 2024, la Fondazione di Ricerca Scientifica e Umanistica Antonio Meneghetti had the opportunity to participate as an NGO in the United Nations’ Summit of the Future Action Days in New York. The Summit of the Future is a new initiative of the United Nations and member states that focuses on shaping policies for a better future, putting youth at the center of change. The event addresses topics such as education, equality, and security, promoting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. During the event, our representatives Michele Gambino and Renars Raubiskis presented the project “Now I Know How,” an initiative officially funded by the European Commission, which in 2021 brought students from across Europe to Italy to learn about entrepreneurship and Made in Italy. Throughout the summit, they connected with global leaders, NGOs representatives, and youth ambassadors, and took part in side events focused on technological innovation, responsible leadership, and sustainability. It was an extraordinary experience that allowed us to actively contribute to the global dialogue on building a more fair and sustainable future.