Exibition of the finalist artists of the 1st MIAP edition
On 15 February, 2018, the exhibition of the finalists of the first edition of the Meneghetti International Art Prize (M.I.A.P) was inaugurated at the Museo del Segno e della Scrittura (Museum of Sign and Writing) in Turin.

The exhibition, promoted by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation, is curated by artistic director Ermanno Tedeschi and will continue till 21 March, to then move to the Medieval hamlet of Lizori next June. On this occasion, the M.I.A.P. jury, that includes artists, curators, museum directors and teachers, will announce the winners of the four sections of the prize: painting, sculpture, design and fashion.

The opening was attended by a numerous crowd, who could admire the collective exhibition of the selected finalists, both young talents and affirmed artists. The 37 selected finalists were chosen among 341 participants from Italy, Brasil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, India, Iran, Israel, Latvia, Malesia, Mexico, Spain and Switzerland.

At the end of the inauguration ceremony, the 2nd edition of the prize was announced, which will be titled “Man and his art as life harmony” and will feature three sections: painting, sculpture and photography. The competition announcement for this new edition will be posted on 3 May, 2018 on