Calls for papers



The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation is launching a call for papers on the following topic:


With this initiative, the Foundation aims to promote a debate that, starting from various disciplinary fields, analyses the means-end relationship in the light of developments in digital language. This theme has been addressed several times in the texts written by the Founder.

The Meneghetti Foundation, which has always placed at the centre of its activities and interests the development of a humanistic culture and the support of scientific research projects that enhance man in his relationship with society, education and art, wishes to discuss the powerful impact that the digital revolution has on the way we see the world.

The Antonio Meneghetti Foundation is a Swiss non-profit public benefit organisation and has been granted special consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC since 2019.


Art. 1 Award

To this end, the Foundation intends to award ten prizes in the amount of CHF 300.00 (three hundred) for the ten best contributions in terms of coherence with the proposed theme and innovation of perspective presented. The award shall be assigned in accordance with the provisions of the Foundation’s Statute and in line with the purposes of unrestricted support of the Foundation, excluding any profit-making purpose.


Art. 2 Conditions of participation

Each proposed contribution must include:

1) Signed Application Form

2) Curriculum vitae of the Proponent (maximum 1 page, spacing 1) and ID document

3) A maximum of 10 pages (excluding bibliographical references), Arial or Times Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5

4) The text of the contribution must be based on the following parameters:

– Title, contents, conclusion and finally bibliographical references.

– All documents submitted must be in Italian or English. Papers or research papers submitted in languages other than Italian or English will not be considered.

– In the case of several Contributing Authors, the person submitting the application must enclose the written consent of the co-authors.


Art. 3 Deadlines and rules of the call

Applications may be submitted no later than 23:59 CET (Central European Time) on 31 October 2024 by sending the required documentation via the Foundation’s website

The Foundation Board will evaluate the received contributions and decide on the winners. The decisions of the Foundation Board are final and indisputable.

The outcome will be announced within 90 days after the deadline for submission of the application and will be communicated directly to the winner(s) by letter from the Foundation’s Board.


Art. 4 Evaluation Criteria

In deciding on the winners, the following will be taken into account

– Relevance to the proposed theme

– Originality of the reasoning

– Completeness of the assertions supporting the thesis and refuting the antithesis

– Innovative proposals and original points of view.


Art. 5 Unassigned Awards

If there are no suitable candidates for the award, the relevant amount shall remain at the disposal of the Foundation.


Art. 6 Dissemination of contributions

The Foundation shall publish the texts of the ten best contributions received in the form of a blog.

It also has the right to initiate, also in collaboration with other entities, initiatives with the aim of disseminating and communicating literary contributions subject of the award and reserves the right to possibly also produce a printed publication of those contributions.


Art. 7 Information and contacts

For any information or communication please contact: Fondazione di Ricerca Scientifica ed Umanistica Antonio Meneghetti Via San Gottardo 10 – 6900 Lugano, Switzerland CH



Art. 8 Acceptance of rules and rights

Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of all the rules of these regulations, so that failure to comply with even one of them will result in automatic exclusion from the competition (i.e. without the obligation to notify the interested parties). Furthermore, by accepting these regulations, each author consents to the use of the text of his/her contribution for all activities relating to the running of the competition. With regard to the protection of personal data, participants are informed that the processing of personal data supplied by them when taking part in the competition or in any case acquired for this purpose by the Foundation has the sole purpose of carrying out the activities envisaged by the competition and will be carried out by the persons proposed for the task, using procedures, including computerised ones, in the manner and within the limits necessary to pursue of the aforementioned purposes.

The data collected will not be published or transferred to third parties for any reason whatsoever.


Lugano, 15 October 2023

The Foundation Board

Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation