The Meneghetti Foundation promotes and spreads a vision of life according to the principles of Humanism, which are at the basis of Ontopsychology


The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation was founded in 2007 in Lugano – Switzerland. The Meneghetti Foundation’s aim is to promote and disseminate the vision of life along the principles of Humanism, expressed as a practical culture of philosophy, science, art and economics based on the primacy of research, through training, education, enhancement and noble exercise of the human qualities of the individual, so as to enable them to be useful for the solution of needs that humanity presents in various circumstances.


Scientia vitae salus hominis est

“The social problem can only be solved

through the return to the source of the human being.

This is why the human being has to grasp more Knowledge

in order to meet more Being of himself”

Antonio Meneghetti

The work of the Meneghetti Foundation in promoting efforts to facilitate the intellectual and humanitarian activities, helping foster contacts between scientists and experts from different countries, facilitating the international exchange of information, the dissemination of scientific, technical and humanistic knowledge, is completely in line with the SDGs Sustainable Development goals of the United Nations.

The activities carried-out by the Meneghetti Foundation in order to pursue its aim are the following:

– ensuring the collection and the publication of Antonio Meneghetti’s writings, while promoting and disseminating his artistic and scientific activity;
– promoting and enhancing training activities and implementation of projects which would help to improve, in a creative and operational manner, the important relationship between the human being and the society, with a real, lasting social impact, thus excluding any form of idle assistentialism;
– promoting the development of independent research projects and the scientific divulgation through publications, congresses, conferences etc., allowing them to become a heritage accessible to all, see Meneghetti Award;
education to art through promoting and supporting artists inspired and driven by the quest for interior grace and the desire to express man’s natural longing for a healthy and harmonious evolution of his being. An art generating beauty, enlightening and transmitting values to the spectator of the work of art. The Meneghetti International Art Prize M.I.A.P was established in 2016 to promote artistic expression as a yearning for beauty, giving everyone – regardless of age and experience – the chance to follow this inspiration that Meneghetti sought in himself and all mankind throughout his life.