International Best Practices for Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Evolution through Innovations in Higher Education, Science, and Gender Equality
The in-person event will be hosted in New York as a part of the SDG Action Weekend.

The Event will showcase best practices and innovations in higher education to promote sustainable and inclusive development of rural areas. It will bring together stakeholders from across sectors and regions.
The Side event aims to connect stakeholders globally to share best practices for enhancing rural areas through higher education, including gender-equitable, evidence-based solutions that promote sustainable and inclusive rural development.
Speakers will discuss ongoing higher education projects that build partnerships between municipalities, citizens, social entrepreneurs, and rural youth. They will highlight the Foundation’s “Hortus Lizori” project, which has revitalized the hamlet of Lizori’s historical and cultural heritage as a model for rural areas in Brazil, Latvia, Italy. Lizori represents a new model for fostering environmental education in rural areas that has been replicated internationally.
The project has engaged over 30 universities globally, recognizing that institutions of higher education are vital for transferring best practices to new generations and ensuring long-term progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.
Anticipated outcomes will advance higher education, science, gender equality, and multi-stakeholder engagement in order to develop rural areas and drive progress on SDGs 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, and 17.
Organized by
the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation, a Swiss no-profit Foundation, declared of Public Utility by the Helvetic Confederation. The Foundation has a special consultative status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations and is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Foundation is dedicated to advancing sustainable development and fostering humanistic values. It has contributed to SDGs 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, and 17 through a variety of different projects, such as Hortus Lizori, 3 Erasmus+ projects, and the Meneghetti International Art Prize (MIAP). Furthermore, it also has previously organized an official Side Event at the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2023.
The Partners:
- Permanent Mission of Latvia to the United Nations
- Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy Sciences – Latvia
- Berkeley University of California – USA
- Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies – Latvia
- Peace Innovative Initiative – New York
- University for Peace – Costa Rica
- Peace Boat – Japan
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Perugia – Italy
- Hunt Hill Farm – USA
- UN International Telecommunication Union (UN ITU)
- Beijing Association for Mental Health- China
- ESCP Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Society – France
- Build it Up! – Italy