“Pedagogy and Politics” at the core of the international study session of the XXX Summer Session of Ontopsychology, that was held in Lizori from 18 to 22 July 2018.The XXX Summer Session took place with the recognition of the European Parliament and of the European Economic and Social Committee, was recognized by the European Commission as representative of the European Year of Cultural Heritage for the promotion of humanistic culture, and received the support of Regione Umbria and of the City of Campello sul Clitunno. The event was promoted by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation (www.fondazionemeneghetti.ch) in collaboration with the International Association of Ontopsychology, the OntoArtE International School Association, the European Association of Ontopsychology and the Baltic Association of Ontopsychology.
Many interventions, reports, round tables and ideas gave professors, officials and experts at the head of European institutions, young people and trainers, the chance to discuss “on the opportunity to bring pedagogy and politics to a unified action, linked by the same ethical tension, to bring man back to the realization of what is authentically human. A founding theme for every society, timeless but at the same time decidedly topical”.